A new Danish collaboration agreement with Singapore paves the way for Danish companies to get direct access to tech-exchange and new partnerships with Asia’s leading players within water, environment and sustainable development. The window for new private and institutional partners to join and deliver on the Singaporean-Danish ambitions is open.

In February 2020, Singapore’s Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli, and Denmark’s Minister for the Environment, Lea Wermelin, signed a five-year collaboration agreement (MoU) to strengthen the joint development of new sustainable solutions within water, waste management and soil quality.
The agreement sets the scene for the coming five years of green collaboration, and aims to strengthen the partnership between Singaporean and Danish players for increased innovation and sustainable progress. With the agreement, Danish companies and research institutions have an official invitation to Singapore and a laid-up Launchpad to enter other markets across Asia.
Singapore is considered the gateway to Asia and a regional market largely coloured by a massive focus on sustainable development, climate adaptation and green infrastructure. In 2019, Singapore announced an expectation to invest towards S$ 100 billion dollars over the next 100 years in climate adaptation to secure the country’s survival in view of ongoing climate changes.
In light of the new political agreement, Singapore’s lookout for international partners and Denmark’s reputation as a “natural partner and green inspiration”, the way is paved for Danish companies to gain smooth market access and deliver on the joint ambitions.
What is in focus, and how do I become an affiliated partner?
All Danish companies, research institutions and organisations working within environmental and green development are invited to participate. The collaboration agreement outlines a line of prioritised tracks, but it will largely be up to affiliated partners to define and develop the specific projects towards 2025. The preliminary focus tracks include:
Waste management, including e-waste, plastic recycling and incineration of bottom ash
Water solutions, including non-revenue water and utilisation of water through smart technologies.
Soil quality, including standardisations, regulations and enforcement
Circular economy, climate adaptation and sustainable development, including coastal flooding protection and flood controlling.
Cutting across all sectors, the agreement cushions close and attractive cooperation opportunities within sustainable development and climate adaptation at large. The Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore has already received expression of interest from Singaporean organisations, institution and companies to actively drive and initiate new activities with Danish counterparts.
How does the collaboration work?
The collaboration agreement sets the ambition and frame for the Singaporean-Danish environmental cooperation over the next five years. Throughout the period, affiliated Danish partners, the Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore, local authorities, research institutions and companies will develop tangible projects and priority areas. Affiliated partners’ competencies and strongholds will largely influence the direction, investments and priorities of the collaboration.
To initiate and kick-start the process, focus areas mainly revolve around:
Strengthening Danish industry collaboration with Singaporean authorities, such as the National Environment Agency (NEA), the Public Utilities Board (PUB) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA).
Promoting environmental public-private-partnership through pilot projects and living labs.
Exchange of information, experience and expertise as well as study trips to each of our countries.
Promotion of the ‘green Danish voice’ through partnership participation in Singaporean and Asian flagship event focussing on environmental, sustainable and green transition.
Supper research and development cooperation to explore technological partnerships and exchange of technological solutions.
How do become a part of the green collaboration?
The Royal Danish Embassy in Singapore is currently looking for Danish companies expressing interest in joining the green Danish partnership with Singapore.
Reach out to Trade Advisor, Mark Edward Perry, to hear how you can secure a seat when Singapore and Denmark plan and design its joint environmental efforts in the years ahead.
Mark Edward Perry
Trade Advisor
Energy, Environment & Water
+65 9088 5567