Southeast Asia
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Maritime Decarbonisation - a 100% climate neutral Blue Denmark by 2050
Denmark has set ambitious goals to undertake a green transition as it works to fight climate change. The Danish government is calling for 70 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 towards a carbon-neutral future by 2050.
To achieve these ambitions, thirteen climate partnerships, including one for the maritime and shipping industry, were announced in 2019, to develop industry led plans to address climate issues.
The transition to a more sustainable shipping industry is a massive challenge. As a leading maritime nation, Denmark has an obligation to take leadership and demonstrate that the Danish merchant fleet – be it ferries, fishing boats or ocean-going vessels – can become carbon neutral. To achieve this, Denmark´s maritime sector is taking a quantum leap in technology development these years.
According to Danish Shipping - Denmark´s trade and employer organisation of shipowners - "the shipping industry is targeting carbon neutrality by 2050, without the use of climate compensation. To achieve that goal, it is also targeting beginning commercial operation of its first ocean-going zero-emission vessel by 2030".
As a small nation, Denmark is experienced in building international alliances. Notably, in June 2021 the governments of Denmark, the United States and Norway, assisted by the Global Maritime Forum and the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping joined forces in the “zero-emission shipping mission” initiative, which aims to decarbonise the entire maritime value chain by 2030. Partners include authorities of e.g. Singapore, India, Morocco and UK.
The Danish maritime industry is already at the forefront of numerous technologies, building ships greener and more climate friendly while increasing the level of autonomous operation. Safety equipment from Denmark makes the job as a seafarer on ocean-going vessels or a voyage onboard a large cruise ship as a tourist safer with advanced quality equipment. Equipment onboard accounts for up to 70% of a ship´s total cost. The world’s fleet consists of more than 100,000 ships and a major part of these ships has Danish equipment onboard – including engines, boilers, pumps, marine paint, life rafts, exhaust gas cleaning and ballast-water systems, sensors, maritime software as well as countless other specialised products to enable safe and energy-efficient operations of ships. The Danish manufacturers of maritime equipment and ships are united in the trade association Danish Maritime.
Download the executive summary of the Climate Partnership for the Blue Denmark and view articles from Green Denmark in Southeast Asia's community below.